This is the GM Fuel System Controller Interface or "98-GMFSCI". This device prevents the gasoline fuel rail pressure from exceeding factory limits, while running on CNG.
Here I am laying out the bracket base on a piece of 4" x 1/4" bar.
The 1/4" bar is over kill, however the bracket will be extremely rigid and vibration proof. |
Next the bar is chucked in the band saw and cut to length. A metal cutting band saw is a must. It just makes life easy.
With the base cut and the corners rounded, the mount holes are transferred to the bracket.
They are then drilled and tapped to accept a 1/4x20 bolt.
Next a mounting flange is cut and the corners rounded. It is pre fitted to the base bracket for clearance and alignment. |
I had decided to mount the bracket off the CNG tank support backing plate. Here I am removing two bolts from the top of the support.
From the bottom side the location is perfect. |
Next the flange bolt hole locations are transferred to masking tape. |
Then the hole locations are transferred to the mounting flange and center punched. |
The mounting holes are drilled and de-burred.
Next the mounting flange and base bracket are clamped up and TIG welded on this side only. |
The bracket is flipped over and DC stick welded on the other side. I use a 7024 rod for most stick welding. The 7024 produces a quality weld and deposits a lot of weld metal in the joint. |
Here the bracket is back from the sand blasting booth. I use an 80 grit aluminum oxide media Instead of sand. It cuts the blasting time by a factor 8. |
Since this bracket is exposed to the elements, 4 coats of Satin Rustoleum are applied. |
The bracket is bolted in place and final clearance is checked. |
Another view if the bracket. You can see the OEM gasoline fuel interface to the left of the picture.
This was another easy, no brainier bracket to make. Wish they all were this way. |